What Are the Benefits of Email Marketing Platforms?

Benefits of Email Marketing Platforms

Many businesses have experienced huge returns by investing in email marketing campaigns. Recently, marketers have seen the rise of other digital marketing channels like social media marketing and content marketing.

But companies should still invest in their email marketing platforms. 80% of American consumers have email and check it at least once a day. Businesses that invest in email marketing enjoy an average ROI of 4,200%.  So they earn $42 for every dollar invested in email marketing services.

This is a huge potential market that you can’t afford to miss out on. Keep reading to learn more about email marketing platforms and their benefits.

What Are Email Marketing Platforms?

An email marketing platform is a type of software that helps users effectively send out emails to a mailing list. Businesses have hundreds of email subscribers. So it would be inefficient to manually send out emails one subscriber at a time.

Email marketing software allows you to send out hundreds of emails at the touch of a button. Email marketing platforms also help you to track the open and read rates of each email. These platforms also have tools that enable you to segment your mailing lists and track leads throughout their buying journey.

Key Benefits of Email Marketing Platforms

There are multiple reasons for investing in the right email marketing platform. Below are the benefits of using an email marketing platform.

1. Increase Sales 

The main reason why businesses invest in any kind of marketing is to increase revenue. Well, email marketing provides the highest ROI out of all the marketing tools out there. Marketers that use targeted sales emails have reported sales increases of up to 760%.

Why does email marketing work so well? First, most people prefer communicating with brands via email. So, it is easier to get their attention and win their trust that way. Also, by clicking on the subscribe button and staying on your email list, subscribers show that they trust you.

Subscribers would be more willing to buy from an email from you than a random company advertising on social media. You can also use email to sell to buyers that have abandoned their carts. Email can help silence the objections they had when they decided not to buy.

2. Communicate With Your Audience and Add Value

Another benefit of email marketing platforms is that they allow you to communicate regularly with your audience. Your email subscribers have a need or pain point that you speak to, otherwise, they wouldn’t have subscribed to you.

For instance, someone that has subscribed to a fitness company’s mailing list is looking for ways to get fit and healthy. They’ll enjoy receiving emails from you that are full of valuable tips on how they can live a fit lifestyle. If they get all the information they need from your email, they won’t feel the need to search social media pages or Google for the information you are providing them with.

When you do decide to sell a product, they will be eager to buy from you because of the trust you have built with them through previous emails. Yes, you can communicate with your audience through your website or social media platforms. But you won’t be able to write long messages or speak as freely as you can via email.

3. Keep Full Rights Over Your Content and Mailing List

Email marketing platforms give you full ownership over your mailing list as well as any content you post on your emails. Many modern marketing platforms belong to big digital firms like Meta and Google. So, any marketing content you post on social media is owned by the social media platform.

Anything you post on their platforms has to adhere to their content rules or your post may be taken down. The platform also owns your account as well as your list of followers so they can decide to shut down your account.

Hundreds of social media influencers have lost all their content and followers overnight after a social media platform decided to shut down their accounts. The influencers started scrambling for ways to reconnect with their audience and send them messages.

The lesson learned from these experiences is that every business owner must have their own mailing list that they fully control. This is possible when you invest in email marketing services.

4. Create Targeted Content

One of the main benefits of email marketing tools is that they help you to personalize the emails sent out to your subscribers. For instance, you can add a personalized greeting to each email whereby you salute each subscriber by their first name. Or you can send emails referencing current events in the different locations that your subscribers come from.

Personalized marketing campaigns get much higher returns than generic campaigns. Statistics show that emails that include the name of the recipient in the subject line get opened more frequently than those that don’t.

Successful email marketing occurs when the right information is sent out to the right audience at the right time. Email marketing software allows you to send the right information to subscribers that are at different stages of your marketing funnel.

New subscribers may get informational welcome emails whereas repeat customers may get instructional emails about how to use their purchased products or services.

5. Increase Traffic to Your Site

Email marketing platforms are a great tool to increase traffic to your site. There are over a billion websites on the internet, each competing for the attention of your audience. Unless you promote your site content you will never get any traffic and your site won’t feature on the first pages of search engines.

Email marketing platforms can help increase the visibility of your site by sending an email to your list whenever you release or update content. When subscribers click on your site link on the promotion emails your site statistics and SEO ratings will improve.

Take Advantage of the Benefits of Using Email Marketing Platforms

Email is still one of the best ways to communicate with your target audience. Email marketing platforms have one of the best ROIs in the industry. They also allow you to own your content and mailing list, so you never have to worry about losing the subscribers you have worked so hard to get.

For more information about email marketing tools or to get help with your digital marketing, contact us today for assistance.

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